Corwen Museum was first opened in 2015.  It is run by volunteers of the  Edeyrnion Heritage and Cultural Society, which is a registered  charity (charity number 1180660) and a company limited by guarantee, company number 08165666 registered in Wales.

The Objects of the Company are:- advance education for the public benefit by the establishment and maintenance of a permanent museum, exhibition and information centre to educate the public about the history, culture and biodiversity of Edeyrnion and the Dee Valley” advance the education of the public by acquiring, housing and exhibiting, documenting conserving restoring and repairing objects and collections of an educational nature and making them accessible to the public now and in the future.

The Registered office is :-

Corwen Museum, London Road, Corwen, Denbighshire LL21 0DP

Directors of the company are:

Mike Wyeth, Chairman

Norman Jones, Secretary

Jim Ritchie

Janice Dale

Marian Thomas

Michael Paice

Heather Fenton

Gordon Parker

Tony Haigh

Councillor Alan Hughes

Martin Davies